
Tests for homoscedasticity in xlstat
Tests for homoscedasticity in xlstat

Ha: Between times 1 and n the variables follow an N(µ1, 1) distribution, and between n+1 and T they follow an N(µ2,1) distribution.

tests for homoscedasticity in xlstat

H0: The T variables Xi follow a N(0,1) distribution. The null and alternative hypotheses are determined by:


The series of Xi corresponds here to the standardized ratios. The test is applied to a series of ratios that compare the observations of a measuring station with the average of several stations. The SNHT test (Standard Normal Homogeneity Test) was developed by Alexandersson (1986) to detect a change in a series of rainfall data. Left-tailed test: Ha: There exists a time t from which the variables location is augmented by D. Left-tailed test: Ha: There exists a time t from which the variables location is reduced by D. Two-tailed test: Ha: There exists a time t from which the variables change of location parameter. H0: The T variables follow one or more distributions that have the same location parameter. We thus reformulate the null and alternative hypotheses: In this case, one should use a Kolmogorov Smirnov based test or another method able to detect a change in another characteristic than the location. For example, if before the time t, the variables follow a normal N(0,1) distribution and from time t a N (0,3) distribution, the Pettitt test will not detect a change in the same way a Mann-Whitney would not detect a change of position in such a case. Nevertheless, the Pettitt test does not detect a change in distribution if there is no change of location. In his article of 1979 Pettitt describes the null hypothesis as being that the T variables follow the same distribution F, and the alternative hypothesis as being that at a time t there is a change of distribution.

tests for homoscedasticity in xlstat

The Pettitt's test is an adaptation of the tank-based Mann-Whitney test that allows identifying the time at which the shift occurs. The Pettitt's test is a nonparametric test that requires no assumption about the distribution of data. Before applying these tests, you need to be sure you want to identify a time at which there is a shift between two homogeneous series. Note 2: The tests presented below are sensitive to a trend (for example a linear trend). If one believes that the variance changes, you can use a comparison test of variances (F-test in the normal case, for example, or Kolmogorov-Smirnov in a more general case).

tests for homoscedasticity in xlstat

For example, assuming that the variables follow normal distributions, one can use the test z (known variance) or the Student t test (estimated variance) to test the presence of a change at time t. Note 1: If you have a clear idea of the time when the shift occurs, one can use the tests available in the parametric or nonparametric tests sections. Exact calculations are either impossible or too costly in computing time. For all tests, XLSTAT provides p-values using Monte Carlo resamplings. The tests presented in this tool correspond to the alternative hypothesis of a single shift. The variety of the tests comes from the fact that there are many possible alternative hypotheses: changes in distribution, changes in average (one or more times) or presence of trend. Homogeneity tests involve a large number of tests, XLSTAT offer four tests ( Pettitt, Buishand, SNHT, or von Neumann), for which the null hypothesis is that a time series is homogenous between two given times. Homogeneity tests enables you to determine if a series may be considered as homogeneous over time, or if there is a time at which a change occurs. What are homogeneity tests for time series

Tests for homoscedasticity in xlstat